Buy using your phone
Scan the QR code and buy using your mobile phone
Buy on pancakeswap
Enter our contract address: 0x6c82311bd8c59418ba30abe6385f40a54ff82cf1
on the pancakeswap exchange. Connect your wallet.
We recommend metamask wallet if you do not have one setup already.
Once your wallet is connected, and you have set it up using the detailed guide below, then import our token. Accept the pancakseswap general warning about anyone having the ability to create a token.
Pair our token with BNB, if you have no BNB, you may buy BNB right inside metamask wallet using debit or credit card.
If that option is not available to you then you can buy BNB on almost all exchanges, transfer it to your wallet, then make the purchase. This is also explained in the guides below; then return to pancakeswap to complete the purchase.
The easiest way, although you will still need a wallet for token storage, is to purchase using the first two methods then just send us your wallet address.